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Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream

The application of Safeguard Stormdry masonry protection cream can result in energy savings of up to 29 % and also stop to penetrating damp from driven rain.

Easily applied by either brush or roller, Stormdry cures colourlessly to the original finish of masonry in just 12 hours. A single coat will protect the substrate for up to 30 years. Stormdry is more deeply penetrating than traditional liquid applied water repellents – up to 12mm in flettons – meaning that its crack-bridging capability is greater; and its life expectancy increased.

Safeguard Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream

Stormdry can be applied to wet walls. These will continue to dry because it works by lining the pores of brickwork and other masonry rather than blocking them: enabling water vapour to escape while preventing further moisture ingress.

Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream is also the only damp-proofing cream that has been independently shown to not only prevent penetrating damp from rain; but also enhance the thermal efficiency of walls. This is quite simply because dry bricks have twice the thermal resistance of wet.

Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream
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