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A Brush with a Clean Spirit

Decorating sundries manufacturer Bartoline has launched a new formula Clean Spirit brush cleaner. The new Clean Spirit provides a non-solvent, water-based, low environmental impact and virtually odourless alternative to traditional solvent-based white spirits. All ingredients are biodegradable.

Clean Spirit is effective for cleaning oil and water-based paints from brushes, rollers and paint pads.

Brushes can be cleaned in four easy steps.  First, remove as much paint as possible with a cloth or Quick Clean Paint Wipe, secondly immerse the brush in Clean Spirit™ and work-in thoroughly for 3-5 minutes, thirdly rub and work-in solution with a gloved hand and cloth or wipe and, finally, rinse it in clean water and allow to dry.

Available in 750ml and 2 litre bottles it is is complemented by Bartoline’s new Quick Clean Paint Wipes.  The wipes remove excess paint from brushes and rollers prior to cleaning and can be used to clean paint and spills from hands, tools, windows, and floors and to neaten paint edges.  The wipes are offered in an 80 XL wipe, fully recyclable dispenser.

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